Displaying prices

It is recommended to provide a detailed price breakdown, including base price, any options, discounts and total premium.

This page identifies the mapping you can utilise to display price breakdown in your user interface, and recommend mapping to ensure accurate data is presented to the customer.

Price breakdown

The following gives price breakdown to display in quote summary user interface components.

The following table contains the mapping of values to prices in the API return response. Note that prices are returned as an array of Plans, each price is specific to the specified {planId} specified below.

All available option codes mapped in the table below are documented in Options. Medical screening premium is only incurrred for products that have medical screening premium as outlined in Medical screening

Note that this attribute mapping needs to also apply the discounting rules for partner and campaign discount outlined above.

Base priceprices[{planId}].basePrice.grossPrice
Trip cancellation premiumprices[{planId}].tripCancellationPrice.grossPrice
Rental vehicle excessprices[{planId}].basicOptionPrices.grossPrice where prices[{planId]}]/basicOptionPrices/optionType is "CAREXCESS"
Snow sports premiumprices[{planId}].basicOptionPrices.grossPrice where prices[{planId}]/basicOptionPrices/optionType is "SNOWSPORTS"
Specified item premiumprices[{planId}]/specifiedItemOptionPrice/grossPrice
Variable excess premiumprices[{planId}].basicOptionPrices.grossPrice where prices[]/basicOptionPrices/optionType is POLEXCESSPERCENT"
Specified medical condition premiumprices[{planId}].travelClearOption.travelClearScreeningPremium
Total priceprices[{planId}].totalPrice
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